Research Interests
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Bio-Fuel Combustion, Swirling Flow, Large Eddy Simulation (LES), Convective Heat Transfer, Nanofluids, Phase Change Materials, Aerodynamics and Design, Machine Learning and data-driven methods
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Bio-Fuel Combustion, Swirling Flow, Large Eddy Simulation (LES), Convective Heat Transfer, Nanofluids, Phase Change Materials, Aerodynamics and Design, Machine Learning and data-driven methods
Publication Years: 2022 – Present
Prediction of Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology in a 125 MW tangentially coal-fired subcritical thermal power plant for retrofitting in Bangladesh
A typical 125 MW tangentially coal-fired Barapukuria Thermal Power Plant (BTPP), Bangladesh has been scrutitinized considering air-firing (existing) and five different oxy-firing (OF) cases have been numerically investigated. For predicting the particle flow, radiative heat transfer and turbulence effects, discrete droplet method (DDM), discrete transfer radiation method (DTRM) and k–ϵ model is considered respectively. For homogeneous reaction for the devolatilization and heterogeneous reactions for the char oxidation process, a two steps reaction mechanism is considered. It is predicted that with the increase of cases from air-firing, level of oxiding elements are increasing in the main combustion zone due to enriched O2 level leading to complete combustion of the particles. It is also found that for OF 31 case, level of CO2 is close to the air-firing case. it has been found that wall temperature is comparatively higher for 100% loading and comparatively lower for 50% loading for almost all similar type of air or oxy-firing conditions. For 100% load, the wall temperature has been reached around 2900 K for OF31 case. It is predicted that air operation equivalent to oxy-firing have been found at < OF 30+ % (Flame temp), at = OF 30+ % (Convec Heat transfer) and at > OF 30+ % (radiative Heat transfer) respectively.
Investigation of thermal performance and entropy generation in a helical heat exchanger with multiple rib profiles using Al2O3-water nanofluid
This research aims to assess the in detail thermal performance and entropy generation of a helical heat exchanger with multiple rib profiles and coil revolutions using water-based Al2O3 nanofluid with 5% concentration. A steady-state computational fluid dynamic model was used in determining the thermal and hydraulic parameters. The numerical model was validated with a numerical study and an experimental study. Three multiple rib profiles (2 rib, 3 rib and 4 rib) and three different coil revolutions (10, 20 and 30) were considered to design nine cases of heat helical exchangers. The geometrical effect was assessed and further represented as the streamlines, isotherms, overall Nusselt number, friction factor, thermal enhancement factor, and entropy generation. It is found that with the growth of coil revolutions the overall heat transfer rate and friction factor rise. The most efficient heat exchanger found in terms of thermal enhancement factor is 3 rib 10 revolutions with the value of 1.34. The entropy generation increases with the rise of the coil revolution. The maximum entropy generation increased by 19.5% for varying the coil revolution with a constant rib profile. Finally, this study is a guide of choosing an efficient heat transfer in terms of thermo-hydraulic performance.
Improvement of an exhaust gas recirculation cooler using discrete ribbed and perforated louvered strip vortex generator
This CFD study represents the improvement of cooling performance of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) by adding newly designed vortex generators inside the engine space of an automobile. The simulation of EGR cooler model was validated comparing with the available data and a reasonable agreement has been observed. A total of twelve different shapes of proposed wing-type vortex generators were numerically investigated to compare the cooling effect of a single VG in the duct. For all the studies, a forward inclination angle of 135° was considered as it is the best inclination angle to get the highest vorticity. Among all, it was found that kite type wing VG provides the best cooling effect. Later, the VGs were arranged in several array configurations with 5 different pitch distances to find the best pitch distance. With the 3mm pitch distance in an array, among twelve different VGs, Gothic type wing VG showed the best performance in terms of cooling performance and 11% cooling improvement rather than a single placed VG was determined. A comparative study was carried out to highlight that Gothic type wing VG performed best in lowering the outlet temperature. Gothic type VG is 12% and 4% more effective than the discrete ribbed and perforated louvered strip VGs respectively.
Impact behavior of energy absorbing helmet liners with PA12 lattice structures: A computational study
This paper uses a computational approach to study the generation of new helmet designs with lattice liners made of polyamide12 (PA12) material. Three design possibilities and three distinct unit cell topologies were used to create the liners as the energy absorbing and dissipating part of the helmet. PA12 lattice samples were additively manufactured and tested under quasi-static and dynamic compression loads. The test data, showing ductile to brittle transition due to strain-rate effects, were used to validate the finite element models of the lattices. Simulations of the linear high energy and oblique impacts on the coupled headform and liner were carried out following the state-of-the-art helmet standard ECE R22.06. The findings of this study suggest that PA12 lattice liners have an excellent capability of reducing peak rotational acceleration. Many liners can outperform the protection levels offered by existing expandable polystyrene foam liners for single impacts, but at the expense of weight. The performance of the liners can be improved by choosing the topology in such a way that the stress can be distributed through the struts. Moreover, a lattice liner having a balanced energy absorption capability and stiffness would perform better than other lattice liners.
Thermal enhancement and entropy generation of an air-cooled 3D radiator with modified fin geometry and perforation: A numerical study
The increasing fuel prices have led researchers to work on the efficiency and development of heat-transferring devices. One such device is the hot water radiator, which is familiar in the domestic arena. The study aims to increase the efficiency and cooling performance of hot water 3D radiators by modifying the design of their fins and adding perforations for better fluid mixing. CFD simulations were carried out on the radiators with modified fin geometries (Wavy, Spike-rib, Cut-sections, Straight) and with two different intensities of perforation (19 and 38 perforations) for each case at varying inlet flowrates of the radiator. The numerical model in this study was validated with experimental work. The hydrothermal performance of each radiator was measured in terms of fin surface temperature, entropy generation, heat transfer rate, and thermal enhancement factor. The temperature distributions and fluid flow streamlines have also been shown. The results show that modifying the fin geometries augments the overall heat transfer rate by up to 131 % while perforating the fins boosts the rate to 134 %. Moreover, the radiation heat transfer is seen to have surpassed the convection heat transfer by 60–160 % for the modified radiator cases. Finally, the most efficient radiator is found based on the thermal enhancement factor, which is the spike-fin arrangement.
Multi-objective hydrothermal performance optimization of a microchannel heat sink equipped with delta winglet vortex generators using NSGA-II genetic algorithm
Microchannel heat sinks provide the solution to the ever-increasing heat flux generated from micro-electric components. In this study, performance optimization of a microchannel heat sink with delta winglet vortex generators was carried out based on the data obtained from numerical CFD simulations. A total of 192 design points were generated by altering the fluid velocity in terms of Reynolds number (Re), winglet width (Wd), length (Ld), and the angle of attachment of the winglet. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model coupled with Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm NSGA-II was used simultaneously to minimize the friction factor and increase the Nusselt number. The ANN model predicted the output values within the error limit of 10%. The Pareto optimal front generated by the algorithm contains the input parameters in the range 982 < Re < 988, 177 < Ld < 233 , 10 < Wd < 25 . Decision-making methods TOPSIS, LINMAP, and Shannon entropy were employed to calculate the optimal solution from the data set and the obtained points showcased 70%, 120% and 158% surge in Nusselt number while an increase of friction factor by 35%, 109%, and 140% respectively is reported. The Performance Evaluation Criteria (PEC) values obtained from the best solutions were 1.52, 1.72, and 1.92, respectively. Furthermore, the accuracy of the optimal solutions was verified numerically. The flow and thermal field of the microchannel are also analyzed, and results showed that the angle of attachment and width of the winglet played a crucial role in the overall performance.
Majmader, F. B., & Hasan, M. J. (2025). Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of a periodically constricted microchannel heat sink with supercritical carbon-di-oxide (sCO2) as a coolant near its critical point. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 210, 109609. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2024.109609
Hossain, R., Azad, A., Hasan, M. J., & Rahman, M. (2022). Thermophysical properties of Kerosene oil-based CNT nanofluid on unsteady mixed convection with MHD and radiative heat flux. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 35, 101095. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jestch.2022.101095
See the full list of my publications: [Click Here]
• International Journal of Thermofluids, Elsevier.
• Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Elsevier.
• Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier.
• Results in Engineering, Elsevier.
• Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier.
• International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier.
• South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, Elsevier.
• Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer.
• Journal of Molecular Liquids, Elsevier.
• Heliyon, Elsevier.
• Nanotechnology Reviews, Walter de Gruyter GmbH.
• International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier.
• Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier.
• International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier.
• Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Taylor & Francis
• ZAMM – Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Wiley
[06] IUT Research Seed Grant 2022
Grant Reference: Research Seed Grant (IUT- RSG/2022/OL/07/001), Awarded on: 2022, Funding agency: Islamic University of Technology, IUT (OIC)
Principal investigator: Dr. Md. Rezwanul Karim, Professor, MPE, IUT
Role: Collaborator, Output: One (01) Published Paper.
[05] IUT Research Seed Grant 2021
Grant Reference: Research Seed Grant (IUT RSG/2021/OL/07/003), Awarded on: 2021, Funding agency: Islamic University of Technology, IUT (OIC)
Principal investigator: Dr. Arafat A. Bhuiyan, Professor, MPE, IUT
Role: Research Assistant, Output: One (01) Published Paper and Two (02) Under review in Journals
[04] REDIPhE – In collaboration with the University of Padova, Italy
Awarded on: 2020, Funding agency: ECCELLENZA programme of the CARIPARO Foundation
Principal investigator: Dr. Ugo Galvanetto, Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy.
Role: Collaborator, Output: One (01) Published Journal Paper.
[03] CASR-339(66)/2021 in collaboration with Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Grant Reference: CASR-339(66)/2021, Funding agency: Higher Training & Research Programme, BUET
Principal investigator: Dr. M. Mustafizur Rahman, Professor, Department of Mathematics, BUET
Role: Collaborator, Output: Two (02) published papers in Journals.
[02] Square Cavity Heat Transfer Project – in collaboration with BUET
Grant Reference: BUET Basic Research Grant No. 1111202109017, Funding agency: BUET
Principal investigator: Dr. M. Mustafizur Rahman, Professor, Department of Mathematics, BUET
Role: Collaborator, Output: Four (04) published papers in Journals and one (01) papers are under review in Journals.
[01] Bicchuron Renewable Energy Project, Young Bangla and Power Cell
Awarded on: 2020, Funding agency: Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh
Arafat A. Bhuiyan, Kazi Tawkir, M. M. Rahman, A. K. Azad, Rumman Hossain, Zahurul Islam, Shams Forruque Ahmed, Nafis Md. M. Islam, C.N. Mithun, Tasnia Islam Rifa, Mohammad Nasim, Ugo Galvanetto, Abyaz Abid, Farzad Hossain, Md Zakaria Sarkar, Md Rezwanul Karim, Mashrur Muntasir Nuhash, Md. Ibthisum Alam, Ananta Zihad, Fei Duan, Hassan Waqas, Dong Liu, Taseer Muhammad, Mahmudul Firoz, Mostafa Kamal Fahad, Nowroze Farhan Ifraj, Salim Subah, Md Araful Hoque, Abu Kabid Md Wakil Wahid Nirjon, Fawaz Bukht Majmader, M.F. Karim, Eare M. Morshed Alam, Syed Muhammad Raza Shah Naqvi, Sayed M. Eldin, Can Kang, Farzana Akter, Kazi Ahasan Ekram, Badhan Saha, Mohammad Sakib Ul Abrar, Kazi Forhan Nadim Ezaz, Ridowan Islam Pranto, Tamzeed Ahmed Alvy, Md. Zahid Hossain, T. Bairagi, M.N. Hudha, Tahzeeb Rahman Alvi, Abida Shaheen, Muhammad Imran, Dipta Chandra Dey, Shahrin Jahan Jaima, Umair Manzoor, Vasanth Balamurugan, Shahid Mian P, Natteri M Sudharsan, Chenhui Ji.
• Results in Engineering, Elsevier (173 Reviews)
• International Journal of Thermofluids, Elsevier (7 Reviews)
• Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier (5 Reviews)
• Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Elsevier (6 Reviews)
• Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier (2 Reviews)
• Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier (1 Review)
• International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier (1 Review)
• Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Elsevier (1 Review)
• Journal of Water Process Engineering, Elsevier (2 Reviews)
• Scientific Reports, Springer Nature (1 Review)
• Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, Taylor & Francis (1 Review)
• CFD Letters, Semarak Ilmu (2 Reviews)
• SAE International Journal of Aerospace, SAE MOBILUS (2 Reviews)
• International Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET) (9 Reviews)
• Archives of Advanced Engineering Science, Bon View Publishing (2 Reviews)
• Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Semarak Ilmu (2 Reviews)
• Journal of Advanced Research in Numerical Heat Transfer, Semarak Ilmu (1 Review)
• Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research, Semnan University (3 Reviews)
• International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE), Intelektual Pustaka (1 Review)
• Environmental Engineering and Management, Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi (1 Review)
• 9th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering 2024, Bangladesh (8 Reviews)
• 1st International Conference on Mechanical, Material and Production Engineering (ICMMPE) 2023, IUT, Bangladesh (5 Reviews)
• 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Sciences 2022, MIST, Bangladesh (3 Reviews)
• International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology Application, Semarak Ilmu (1 Review)
I am actively reviewing articles based on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Convective Heat Transfer, Fuel Combustion, Phase Change Materials, Multiphase, Nanofluids, Turbulence, Large Eddy Simulation, Aerodynamics, Machine Learning, and data-driven methods, etc. You can add my name as a suggested reviewer. This is my email address: jahidmeche@gmail.com
[15] Enhancing Hydrodynamic Efficiency in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) utilizing Adjoint Method and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition.: Shorob Alam Bhuiyan and Md. Araful Hoque, Output: One (01) submitted journal paper. (2024)
[14] Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of a periodically constricted microchannel heat sink with supercritical carbon-di-oxide (sCO2) as a coolant near its critical point: Fawaz Bukht Majmader, Output: One (01) published journal paper. (2024)
[13] Effects of bidirectional rib arrangements on turbulent flow structure and heat transfer characteristics of a two-pass channel for turbine blade internal cooling: Fawaz Bukht Majmader, Output: One (01) published journal paper. (2024)
[12] An evaluation of different ML Models approach for weather prediction in Bangladesh based on historical data: Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Parisha Binte Rahman, Output: One (01) published journal paper and One (01) under review paper in journal. (2024)
[11] Comparative Analysis on Melting Performance of PCM Using Longitudinal and Branching Fin Configurations in a Shell and Tube Type Thermal Energy Storing Unit: Mostafa Kamal Fahad, Salim Subah, Nowroze Farhan Ifraj, Sharzil Huda Tahsin, Tahzeeb Rahman Alvi, Output: One (01) published journal paper and One (01) under review paper. (2024)
[10] Comparative investigation on the effects of various design configurations of helical heat exchangers with different cross-sections using ternary hybrid nanofluids: Mostafa Kamal Fahad, Nowroze Farhan Ifraj, Dipta Chandra Dey, Output: One (01) published journal paper. (2024)
[09] Multi-objective hydrothermal performance optimization of a microchannel heat sink equipped with delta winglet vortex generators using NSGA-II genetic algorithm: Fawaz Bukht Majmader, Output: One (01) published journal paper. (2023)
[08] Multi-objective optimization of aerodynamics efficiency of an airfoil incorporating ANN-based genetic algorithm: Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Rifat Ahamed, Output: One (01) under review paper in journal. (2023)
[07] Thermal enhancement of an air-cooled radiator with modified fin geometry and perforation: Fawaz Bukht Majmader, Output: One (01) published journal paper. (2023)
[06] CFD analysis of helical tube heat exchanger with different curvature ratios and geometric profile using nanofluid: Mostafa Kamal Fahad, Nowroze Farhan Ifraj, Salim Subah, Md Araful Hoque, Abu Kabid Md Wakil Wahid Nirjon, Output: One (01) conference paper. (2022)
[05] Optimizing heat transfer in rectangular channels using novel vortex generators with inclination and rotational angles: Mostafa Kamal Fahad, Nowroze Farhan Ifraj, Sharzil Huda Tahsin, Output: One (01) under review paper in journal. (2022)
[04] Thermal and hydraulic performance comparison of metal and carbon-based nanofluids in flat plate collector: A CFD Analysis: Undergraduate project students of Dr. Md. Rezwanul Karim – Mashrur Muntasir Nuhash (170011011), Md. Ibthisum Alam (170011012), Ananta Zihad (170011028), Output: One (01) published journal paper and Thesis book. (2021)
[03] A CFD study on comparison of heat transfer performance of water-based graphene nanoplatelets nanofluids and multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanofluids in a concentric tube heat exchanger: Undergraduate project students of Dr. Arafat Ahmed Bhuiyan – MD Zahinul Hoq (170011039), MD Jabir Rahim (170011008), Output: Thesis book. (2021)
[02] Numerical investigation of a hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) module: Undergraduate project students of Dr. Arafat Ahmed Bhuiyan – Taspia Shawkat Chowdhury (170011025), Mita Noor Hasan (170011062), Fatima Tasneem Mohsin (170011072), Output: One (01) under review paper in journal and Thesis book. (2021)
[01] CFD modeling of H-Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine: Undergraduate project student of Dr. Md. Rezwanul Karim – Morium Mannan Tonni (170011015), Output: Thesis book. (2021)
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