3D CAD Models
Used SolidWorks for designing the CAD models and Keyshot Pro for render the images and animations.

CFD Case studies
Solved problems on multiphase, discrete model, multi species, moving particles and turbulence.

Energy, Exergy and Economic Analysis were done of a VVER Nuclear PP with six integrated Gas Turbines.

Remote planetary robot
A Remote Planetary Exploration Rover for Rover Challenge competitions (IUT Mars Rover)

formula student car
Designed a Formula Student Car chassis with proper dimensions following the rulebook of a competition.

A case study on combined wave and wind mini hydro powerplant.

aerodynamic analysis of bombardier challenger 600 wing
Aerodynamic analysis of a Bombardier Challenger 600 wing of NACA 63-412 airfoil.

ev battery housing
Design of a EV Battery Housing to resist the crash effect during a car accident.

Ball Balancing robot
A Ball Balancing Robot was built and run for instrumentation and measurement lab project.

Truss bridge
A Truss bridge made of popsicle sticks for an event named Intra IUT Truss Competition.

line follower robot
A Line Follower Robot was built for Intra IUT Line follower robot competition.